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Artificial Intelligence projects

Composition for Causal Generative Networks [Code, Report]

This project was part of the Deep Learning 2 course at the University of Amsterdam. Sauer and Geiger (2021) implemented a framework for counterfactual image generation - namely, images of objects that never existed in a given dataset (contrary to fact). The resulting dataset enables the training of classifiers that are more generalizable and robust to spurious correlations. In this project, we focused on their image composition module, and our main contributions were two extensions based on image blending to improve the quality of the generated counterfactual images: 1) Based on the Poisson equation optimisation and 2) Using the GP-GAN framework proposed by Wu et al. (2017).

Why do you say that? Rationale extraction for dialogue modelling [Code, Report]

This project was part of the Computational Dialogue Modelling course at the University of Amsterdam. We investigated the use of a rationale extractor to provide insight into which parts of a dialogue history justify the predictions of a language model for dialogue generation.

Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations [Code, Report]

This is a reproducible study of the Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations, done in the scope of my master’s. In this project, we implemented the methods presented in the original paper using PyTorch and we compared our results with their results.

An AI for the Quoridor game. It implements MinMax tree search and Monte Carlo methods to find the best move. It is currently the #1 result for the “play quoridor online” query on Google. The website has approximately 6000 visits per month.

A Facebook chatbot that helps people to remember important things. It was developed as a part of the MindNodes project. Unfortunately, the project was discontinued and it is no longer available.

An unbeatable TicTacToe AI that I built for fun. It implements Minimax tree search with full depth. You can play against it by clicking on the link above ;)

Web development projects

LCL is an e-learning platform developed by the CS department of the University of Athens. It is implemented with the Ruby on Rails framework and AngularJS. I was one of the three student/developers of the project.

A Vue.js web application that calculates ECTS (credits accumulated) and GPA for students. I developed this one while I was a student in the CS department at the University of Athens. It is implemented as a progressive web application (PWA) and uses the browsers local storage to save the user’s input. Currently, the web app has approximately 750 sessions per month.